Hello. My online name is GooseGravity and I am twelve years old. My birthdate is 09/17/2012. I live with my mother and brother. I am not planning on putting my real name on itch.io anytime soon. Maybe after I release my tenth game I will. But, that depends on if people care if I do. I make games using Unreal Engine 5 and Unreal Engine 4. I mostly make horror games, but I may post a few FPS games. Please understand that making a game is a long process. Please also understand that it is surprisingly difficult to come up with game settings, stories, and models. But you can check out the games I have already released. I do not post my games to Steam, and no one has permission to copy, replicate, or steal my games unless given permission. Anyone is allowed to draw, or post videos of any of my games. I first started my passion for game development in third grade, with Max2D, an excellent beginner game engine, or at least it used to be. At this point, Max2D is a game engine that I do not prefer, simply because I don't know how to use it anymore. Then, when I was in fifth grade, my loving mother got me a laptop for Christmas, which I make games on. When I first got my laptop, I wanted to make games using Unity. But, I decided on Unreal Engine because of the easier scripting. I have taken one break from game development, but that is the only one for over one year, and I am not planning on taking a break. Games that inspired me / games that I liked, were Little Nightmares 2, DOOM, Team Fortress 2, Slay the Princess, INSIDE, and many other games. Those games are the things that made me want to make my own games. Thank you for reading.